Contact Number of Red Rock CasinoThe contact number of Red Rock Casino is (702) 797-7777, 1 (866) 767-7773. Address of Red Rock CasinoThe address of Red Rock Casino is 11011, West Charleston Boulevard, Las Vegas, Nevada 89135, United States. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Red Rock Casino is mentioned in below section. The address and contact number of Red Rock Casino is also used for Red Rock Casino resort and spa, Red Rock Casino restaurants, Red Rock Casino Movies, Red Rock Casino spa, Red Rock Casino map and Red Rock Casino buffet. The dining options are arranged into T-Bones, Hachi, Hank's, Terra Rossa, Terra Verde, Austins Steakhouse, Charcoal Room The Broiler Steak and Seafood, Sonoma Cellar Steakhouse and Fuego Steakhouse. with the facilities of swimming pool, gym, and spa. The Hotel of the Red Rock provides the accommodation in suits, rental villas etc.
The gaming area of the casino is equipped with bigger TVs and LCDs. It features over 3,000 slots, video poker Machines, table games including blackjack, baccarat, craps and roulette. It is one of the largest casinos in Las Vegas. Red Rock Casino Contact Phone Number is : (702) 797-7777, 1 (866) 767-7773 and Address is 11011, West Charleston Boulevard, Las Vegas, Nevada 89135, United States The Red Rock Casino is a casino- Hotel located in Las Vegas, Nevada.